Diversified Mojave Wasteland Say goodbye to a million identical outfits News: Wasteland outfits are pieces of clothing that provides only the most basic protection. Fallout: New Vegas > General Discussions > Topic Details.

It acts a lot like a substitute to a standard stealth armor, but works so well as an overall, all-purpose armor. I didn't go down far enough on the top files. It's also worn by many homeless or "broke" people such as Rotface. It can only be obtained through console commands. It provides a damage threshold of as well as a bonus of to and can be repaired with. Fallout New Vegas: Wasteland Weapon Pack :D This is just one more weapon/armor pack for best game ever. In particular, it was just for the sake of updating Craig Boone's visual. The wasteland doctor fatigues consist of a white t-shirt for males a white tank top for females, a small brown satchel bag, and brown cargo pants with pouches attached to the belt, and boots. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. The textures of Fallout: New Vegas are anything but pretty to look at, so it goes without saying that a texture mod is a must to ensure that the game doesn't.

The merc grunt outfit is a piece of clothing in Fallout: New Vegas. just wondering if anyone know where i can find this mod, going through nexus i found a kid follower that requier it, but some creeps used it as a base for lewd stuff wich resulted in it being removed from the nexus, the pinned comment. 1 Variants 1.1 Wasteland outfit 2 Gallery Wasteland outfits are pieces of clothing that provides only the most basic protection. This mod is great to add some more immersion to your game as well as giving you something to.

Here are the top 10 best armor mods in Fallout New Vegas.